Sunday, September 9, 2012

Birthday at the Beach

Yesterday was quite a day.  It was Maya's fourth birthday!

Since she was a shelter pup, we don't know her exact birthday, but guestimated a date according to how old the vet thought she was when we got her.  September 8th it was!

To celebrate our little girl's special day, we took a trip to the doggie beach in Jupiter. 

After I returned from work, we packed up Maya's stuff, chairs, umbrellas and snacks and hit the road.  It was one of the most beautiful days we've spent at the beach since living down here.  The water was crystal blue/aqua and there was a nice breeze.

 She had a blast spazzing with sticks in the water and meeting new friends.

When we got home from the beach, we had a present for her... a brand new antler!!  (no deer babes were harmed, I promise!)

She hasn't let it out of her sight since.

I'd say the princess had an extra princess-y day :)

(PS... our wedding is three months away!!!!!)


  1. Looks like you guys had so much fun! Colby told me she wishes that she could have been there for Maya's special day but wanted her to know she was thinking about her all day! Love you all :)

  2. Happy Belated Maya!!! Looks like my kind of birthday!!
