Friday, April 20, 2012

A to Z Survey

Happy Friday to all!

I came across this survey and thought it'd be fun to fill out and I'm hoping others will too! And action!

A is for age: 23

B is for breakfast today: Indigo Morning cereal

C is for currently craving: oddly enough, nothing at the moment

D is for dinner tonight:  chicken with veggies

E is for favorite type of exercise: strength training, especially circuits

F is for an irrational fear: being attacked by a bear or shark

G is for gross food: octopus

H is for hometown: Greensboro, NC

I is for something important: family and friends

J is for current favorite jam:  Diggin' songs by Gotye

K is for kids: 1 - Maya

L is for current location: living room

M is for the most recent way you spent money:  online shopping for bathing suits :)

N is for something you need: to live close to family again

O is for occupation: member services rep at the Y

P is for pet peeve: rude people

Q is for a quote:  "The only thing more dangerous than letting others put limitations on what you can achieve is allowing yourself to believe them."

R is for random fact about you: I didn't craw as a youngin', I scooted on my butt

S is for favorite healthy snack: apple slices smeared with peanut butter

T is for favorite treat: cookies or froyo, hard to pick just one!

U is for something that makes you unique: I competed internationally in Sport Aerobics

V is for favorite vegetable: asparagus

W is for today’s workout: hoping to go for a long walk with Greg & Maya

X is for X-rays you’ve had:  mouth - wisdom teeth

Y is for yesterday’s highlight: cooking din w/ Grego & my bathing suits being delivered!

Z is for your time zone: EST

Only a few more days til my girrrrrrl Morgan is here!!!   WOOO HOOOO!!!

Question of the day:
What are you up to this weekend?  Any exciting plans??

Greg and I are going to a volunteer appreciation event for Habitat tonight.  I have ten miles to run either tomorrow or Sun morn.  Other than that we're just hangin and running a few errands!

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